The Salmon Hookup is a small, independent set net operation in the waters of upper Cook Inlet, whose aim is to remove the middleman from wild caught Alaskan salmon. The small scale nature of our operation provides for the unique ability that large businesses can’t afford; an attentiveness to each and every fish pulled onboard. Our crew handles every fish with care, eliminating the possibility of damage to the product. Upon capture, our salmon are immediately bled and chilled on slush ice until they are delivered the following day. When you choose to buy from us you’re supporting a small local business and a sustainable fishery!
Our owner, Alex Pfoff
Alex began spending his summers in Alaska’s Cook Inlet in 2000, working as a general laborer in an oil and gas work camp. It was here that he became acquainted with a small community of salmon set netters in the area. He quickly came to work as a deck hand, learning the ropes of commercial set netting. It didn’t take long for Alex to discover his love for fishing. He decided to follow his heart and change his studies to obtain his Bachelor’s Degree in Marine and Freshwater Biology.
A decade later, Alex found himself back in the same camp, except now holding his own commercial set net permit. In addition he became a catcher-exporter license holder, which was exactly what he needed to make his dream The Salmon Hookup a reality. The transportation end of the business has also grown, allowing for delivery of exceptionally fresh wild-caught salmon to restaurants and seafood lovers in the Anchorage and surrounding markets.
Go Wild!
The salmon fishery of Upper Cook Inlet is healthy and sustainable. In contrast, the practice of farming salmon has presented some of the largest threats to wild populations by creating vast ecological dead zones, and being a vector of transport for diseases like infectious salmon anemia. We encourage people to take a closer look at labels in the grocery stores, and ask at restaurants where their fish is coming from.